Chulwoo Kim
School of Electrical Engineering, Korea University, Seoul, Korea
Phone : +82-2-3290-3252
Fax : +82-2-921-0544
Email :
Present Technical Activities
Associate Editor, IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits
Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on VLSI Systems
IEEE Senior Member
1997. 1 - 2001 . 1 Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
1994. 3 - 1996. 2 M.S. in Electronics Engineering, Korea University
1988. 3 - 1994. 2 B.S. in Electronics Engineering, Korea University
2023. 7 - present Associate Editor, IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits
2022. 1 - 2024. 12 Adcom, IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society
2021. 9 - present 회로설계분과 위원장, 삼성휴먼테크 논문대상
2020. 3 - 2022. 2 Head, BK21 Education & Research Center for Socialware IT
2019. 3 - 2022. 5 Chairman, IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society Seoul Chapter
2019. 1 - present 협동부회장, 반도체공학회
2017. 3 - 2022. 2 Wireline Technical Sub-committee Chair, IEEE A-SSCC
2015. 3 - 2018. 2 학적관리위원회 위원, 고려대학교
2015. 3 - 2016. 6 Associate Dean, College of Engineering
2015. 1 - 2016. 12 Distinguished Lecturer, IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society
2014. 4 - present 학과주임, 반도체시스템공학과
2013. 3 - present 운영위원, 반도체설계교육센터(IDEC)
2013. 1 - present 사업위원회 위원, 대한전자공학회
2012. 12 - 2014. 11 Adjunct Professor, School of Medicine
2012. 8 - 2013. 2 Visiting Professor, UC, Santa Cruz
2012. 3 - 2016. 2 TPC member, IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference
2011. 3 - present Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on VLSI Systems
2010. 1 - 2010. 4 시스템 반도체 2015 IP 연구단 위원
2008. 8 - 2009. 8 Visiting Professor, UCLA
2008. 1 - 2008. 4 행정고시 출제위원
2006.10 - 2008. 9 실장, 고려대학교 반도체기술연구소
2006. 3 - 2009.12 운영위원, 나노 IP-SoC 설계기술혁신사업단
2006. 3 - 2008. 2 Secretary, IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society Seoul Chapter
2006. 2 - 2008. 11 TPC member, IEEE Asian Solid-State Circuits Conference
2006. 1 - 2006. 12 교육연구위원회 위원, 대한전자공학회
2006. 1 - 2006. 8 기획위원, System IC 2010 3단계 사업
2005. 1 - 2005.12 사업위원회 위원, 대한전자공학회
2004.10 - present Delegate, IEC SC47A&D, System LSI
2004. 9 - 2004. 12 자문위원, 수요지향적 교과목 개발 사업단
2004. 8 - 2005. 7 Director, New Growth Engine Semiconductor Center
2003. 9 - 2006. 2 Membership Development Chair, IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society Seoul Chapter
2003. 5 - 2004. 5 교과과정위원회 위원, 반도체설계교육센터 (IDEC)
2002.10 - present 반도체분야 출제위원, 산업인력관리공단
2002. 9 - present Professor, Dept. of Electronics and Computer Engineering Korea University
2001. 5 - 2002. 8 Advisory Engineer, IBM
2001. 1 - 2001. 5 Research Staff, University of California, Santa Cruz
1999. 5 - 1999. 8 Intern, Intel Corporation
1998. 8 - 1999. 1 Teaching Assistant, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
1997. 1 - 2001. 1 Research Assistant, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
IDEC 우수 연구상 : 2024.
삼성전자 산학협력 우수특허상 : 2022.
Korea Semiconductor Design Contest/President Award, 2020.
Korea Semiconductor Design Contest/Prime Minister Award, 2016.
IDEC WG 우수 참여교수상 : 2021, 2017, 2014, 2012, 2008, 2007, 2006.
Low Power Design Contest Award (IEEE International Symposium on Low Power Electronics Design): Aug. 2014, Aug. 2001.
2014 ASP-DAC University LSI Design Contest Special Feature Award : Jan. 2014.
14th Korea Semiconductor Design Contest/Ministry of Trade, Industry & Energy Award : 2013.
대한전자공학회 공로상 : Nov. 2009.
ASP-DAC Best Design Award : Jan. 2008.
산자부 System IC 2010 최우수 과제수행상 : 2007.
Korea University (Seoktop) Excellent Teaching Award : Oct. 2006, Oct. 2011, Apr. 2018, Apr. 2023.
Introduced as one of the Top Authors of IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society : Oct. 2004.
Semiconductor Research Corporation (SRC) Inventor Recognition Award : Oct. 2002.
Design Automation Conference (DAC) Student Design Contest Award : Jun. 2002.
Samsung Human Tech Thesis Contest Bronze Prize : Feb. 1996 Awarded Fellowship during Ph.D. study
Selected Invited Talks
2018 ITC-CSCC Plenary Talk Presenter (Integrated Circuit Design for IoT Era).
2017 ISSCC Forum Presenter (Power Management System with Ambient Energy Sources for IoT).
2015 - 2016 IEEE SSCS Distinguiushed Lecturer.
2013 ISSCC Tutorial Speaker (High-bandwidth Memory Interface Design).