CMOS Digital Integrated Circuits Analysis & Design 4th Edition,
Sung-Mo Kang/Yusuf Leblebici/Chulwoo Kim, McGraw-Hill 2014
High-Bandwidth Memory Interface,
Chulwoo Kim/Hyun-Woo Lee/Junyoung Song, Springer 2013
전자회로, 김철우/김남수/김종선/박상규/백흥기/
정성욱 공역, 한티미디어 2009
(Fundamentals of Microelectronics, Behzad
Razavi, Wiley, 2008)
전기전자공학개론, 김수원/김철우/기훈재 공역,
사이텍미디어 2003
(Introduction to Electricity, Electronics, and
Electromagnetics, Boylestad/Nashelsky, Prentice
Hall 2002)
Book Chapter
Minyoung Song and Chulwoo Kim, “Spread spectrum clock generator: A low-cost EMI solution," in Phase-Locked Frequency Generation and Clocking: Architectures and circuits for modern wireless and wireline systems, IET, 2020.
Dongsuk Shin, Inhwa Jung, and Chulwoo Kim, “Digital Clock Generators used for Nanometer Processors and Memories," in CMOS Nanoelectronics, McGrawHill, pp.467-499, 2011.
Chulwoo Kim and Steve Kang, “Low-Power Flip-Flop and Clock Network Design Methodologies in High-Performance System-on-a-Chip," in Power-Aware Design Methodologies, Edited by J. Rabaey and M. Pedram, Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 151-179, 2002.